basic essences of spiritual aspects
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Not everything has a name. Some things lead us into a realm beyond revelations unattainable by reason. It is like that small mirror in fairy tales..... You glance in it and what you see is not yourself; for an instant you glimpse the inaccessible, where no magic carpet ride can take you and the soul cries out for it. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ones spirit and soul are one of the most overlooked things people possess. Many people deny they even exist. To me it is one of the most interesting things you can think about. Watchman Nee wrote extensively on spirit and soul and I doubt he even covered much more than the basics.

Basically the soul is our conscience, mind, intuition, thoughts, intellect, feelings, emotions, decisions,....It is the connection between our flesh and spirit. It is the very life of man's being.  Many people live on the superficial materialistic flesh realm and can not accept that there is any more to who they are. They do not even consider who they are beyond what they can see, taste, touch, hear or smell.
One of the many things people question God on is they say God told man "in that day you shall surely die" and man did not die. BUT what is a day to God? Does 'in that day' necessarily mean a literal 24 hours? What does surely die mean? I take it to mean that man died that day a spiritual death losing the communication he was meant to have with God. He went from being spirit, soul and flesh to flesh, soul and spirit.